
∬DVD9 Tenki no ko Download Movie

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Author: Aníbal Santiago
Info: Cinéfilo, Blogger, Sportinguista. Por vezes escrevo umas coisas parecidas com críticas de cinemas num blog manhoso e na Take Cinema Magazine.


director Makoto Shinkai

country Japan

Genre Animation

writer Makoto Shinkai

actor Shun Oguri

Duration 112 Minutes

Tenki no kyojin. Tenki no ken. Damn. I really love this part 😭😭 6:22 Too much emotion 😭😭 I now badly miss her... Respectfully disagree about the John Carney movies. Once is my personal favorite. I can literally watch this scene in my head as long as this song is playing.


Tenki no ko. WEATHERING WITH YOU. Tenki no ko full movie vietsub. Tenki no ko full movie. Im first addicted to these songs ever since heard them on the movie trailer long before the movie is even on cinema. Now that I have watched the movie, the more addicted Ive become to these masterpiece OST. How many peoples have watched the movie “Tenki no Ko” on movie theatre? 1 Like = 1 Person. 🌑🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑.

Got to see this movie twice now, first subbed then the dub with some friends. For as much as critics are hailing this as more emotionally impactful than Your Name, I think that Shinkai adequately tempered the depressing story elements with stabs of playful humor or hopeful optimism (looking at you, Nagi. I think back to SPOILER After the 3 finally find a hotel that would put them up for the night, they all exhaustedly collapse to the floor in front of the door and start cracking up laughing. After they literally started a potentially dangerous car fire in a busy city square by SUMMONING LIGHTNING. That portrayal of emotionally charged adolescent recklessness was spot-on and an interesting change of pace for Shinkai's characters, Shinkai protagonists even! I will say though - the first time I saw this movie I knew absolutely nothing about it, no trailer no promo material nothing. That scene of Hodaka biting into a free burger that a stranger gave him out of pity after living in complete squalor for 3 days... I involuntarily started crying. No idea where that came from but I think it must have conjured a sort of stinging, vague memory of my own troubled childhood. 8/10 Garden of Words is still his best movie and POST.

Tenki no download. 誰も触れてないけど裏声めっちゃ綺麗じゃね?. 星が降る夜に〜のところ大きな波を感じる.体全部持っていかれるほどの.米津さんの声が埋もれてあの夜を〜で頭が出て来て息継ぎができる感じ. I am indonesian. and i would like to say: SUGOIII. This movie always give me overwhelming emotions that I just find myself staring into space and crying. This will always be my favorite movie. I'm so proud this was the first anime movie I ever watched.

Tenki no ko full movie download. Tenki no ko eng sub. Tenki no ko poster. Tenki no ko torrent. Tenki no ko watch online. Tenki no ko teaser. Tenki no ko. Tenki no ko radwimps. Tenki no ko korean. Tenki no ko (2019, Япония), IMDb: 7. 6 © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» © компания «Вольга» Дата выхода в России 31 октября 2019 Аниме Макото Синкая про парня и девушку, которая умеет тучи разгонять руками Старшеклассник Ходака Морисима переезжает со своей малой родины в Токио, где у парня сразу кончаются деньги и начинаются неприятности. Когда он устраивается на подработку в журнал, пишущий о сверхъестественном, погода портится и начинаются бесконечные дожди. Однажды в суете большого города Ходака знакомится с девушкой по имени Хина Амано, которая обладает удивительной способностью разгонять тучи и останавливать дождь. За день до премьеры, которая состоялась летом, в Японии был опубликован роман-адаптация киноистории. 25 июля вышел первый выпуск манги-адаптации, иллюстрированный Ватари Куботой. Фильм «Дитя погоды» будет участвовать в гонке за «Оскар»: Япония выдвинула его в категории «Лучший фильм на иностранном языке». Режиссер фильма «Дитя погоды» Макото Синкай 47 лет фильмов: 9 Поклонник творчества Хаяо Миядзаки, сам всегда мечтал снимать аниме. После переезда в Токио из префектуры Нагано устроился в студию Minori, которая занимается производством «визуальных романов». Параллельно Синкай пробует свои силы в анимации, снимая короткометражки: пятиминутная работа «Она и ее кот» завоевывает несколько престижных наград и привлекает к аниматору внимание больших студий. Первый полнометражный фильм Синкая — научно-фантастическая любовная драма «За облаками» — был создан в сотрудничестве со студией CoMix Wave, второй — «5 сантиметров в секунду» — закрепил за ним успех, в том числе в России. После этого неисправимый романтик современной японской анимации снял еще несколько фильмов, среди которых «Ловцы забытых голосов», «Сад изящных слов» и «Твое имя». Как вам фильм? Лучшие отзывы о фильме «Дитя погоды» 9 Просто непередаваемые эмоции! Ничем не уступает аниме «Твоё имя». Любителям аниме однозначно понравится. 9 Невообразимый фильм. У меня в один день с сеансом было очень неприятное настроение... Ну так вот, этот фильм меня спас! Он очень интересный и чувственный, а концовка... Концовка просто шик, ради нее стоит пойти в кино) 8 Наконец-то Синкай Макото позволил своим главным героям заняться своей собственной жизнью, не беря на себя при этом бремя по спасению деревень, гостей из загробного мира, Японии, Земли... В этом видится параллель к "5 см/с", хотя по материалу фильма явные ссылки расставлены на другую ленту -- "Твоё имя". "Задники" прекрасны как и прежде. Реализм как и прежде парадоксальным образом совмещается с элементами фантастичности в сюжете. Всем, следящим за творчеством маэстро, можно смело идти. 10 Синкай на большом экране - тема! КАЕФ! Давно хотел посмотреть работу Синкая на большом экране, и вот наконец в наши дали довезли. Гораздо офигеннее, чем дома на телевизоре. Очень боялся, что засунут издевательство городских над деревенским пареньком, но вроде как обошлось. Очень понравился дубляж Реанимедии. Фильченко как всегда лажу не гонит. 9 Потрясающе! Рисовка настолько детализирована, фон настолько реалистичен, что сложно поверить, что это просто аниме. Панорама неба это нечто прекрасное, лучше, чем в любой реальности. Сюжет и идея точно зацепит поклонников японской анимации, и то как это подается делает данную картину чем-то новым, а тему незаезженной, так что и массовый зритель не останется равнодушным. Мне понравилось то, какие решения приняли герои, достаточно нетипично для аниме. Очень красивый фильм. Информация от прокатчика Информация предоставлена компанией «Вольга» Они встретились посреди Токио под нескончаемым дождем. Он мечтает начать новую жизнь в большом городе. А она никогда не унывает и обладает удивительным даром менять погоду силой мысли. Там, где она, всегда солнце. Вместе они изменят этот мир навсегда. В духе «Дитя погоды» Все детские кинопремьеры осени 28 ├F3: M09┤, 2019 Оперетта или шоу китайских фонарей: чем заняться в выходные с детьми 6 ├F3: M12┤, 2019 Кинопремьеры недели: «Терминатор: Темные судьбы», «Семейка Аддамс» и «Верность» 30 ├F3: M10┤, 2019 «Вальгалла: Рагнарек»: отличное скандинавское фэнтези для детей 31 ├F3: M01┤, 2020.

Tenki no ko blu ray. Tenki no ko cz titulky. Im about to cry 😭. この歌が一番米津玄師の魅力出てると思う. Tenki no ko sub indo. Tenki no ko pelicula completa. 2:28 I hear a bit of Sparkle here. It really is Radwimps' style.❤️. Tenki no ko مترجم. Tenki no ko ost. Ok but this song makes me REALLY HAPPY which is one of the reasons this is one of my favs also, LiSA's voice is LITERALLY PERFECT FOR THIS SONG OMG I HAVE NO WORDSSS. Tenki no ko site. The animation of this film is nothing short of amazing. Makoto Shinkai has proven himself again that he can produce the best animation in the industry. Aside of Ghibli (that currently producing the last Hayao Miyazaki film) only Studio Chizu (Mamoru Hosoda directed film) in my mind that can produce such high quality animation. Studio Ponoc is another notable studio that can produce Ghibli-esque animation, but their former-Ghibli director, Hiromasa Yonebayashi, still wasn't able to direct a hit since his time on Ghibli with Arrietty.
Tokyo scenery has been a staple in Shinkai works, but this time, he made it rains, every single day. A high quality rain drops and water animation is then inevitable, which Shinkai deliver really well. This is a quality as good, if not better, than Ghibli's Ponyo. Every single drop of water is amazing to look at. Background animation is still as amazing as ever with Shinkai, but since his last hit, Your Name, his character animation is also now as good. I still enjoyed Ghibli and Mamoru Hosoda character better though, but Shinkai's are very close behind now.
The signature of Shinkai works are the emotion, the heavy emotion like being afraid of losing someone, is still here. But unlike Your Name, there isn't such a mindblowing twist happening, so don't expect one. Still, the build up and the climax is pretty much great.
For me, Shinkai really excel at making realistic story, but not as good at making fantasy. When the last time he made fully fantasy film (Children Who Chase Lost Voices) I found it to be lackluster. However, Shinkai found the perfect formula with Your Name, still realistic but with a bit of fantasy mixed-in. It's evident that Shinkai want to repeat the same formula here, but this time the fantasy part is even a bit heavier. This, ultimately, became the weaker part of the film.
The fantasy part of Weathering with You take a center part of the story, but unfortunately it's also not explained that well. All we know is a bit of urban story, from fortune teller and old people, which other people take as a joke. By the end of the film, it's still pretty much a mystery and we still don't know much about it, why it happens, what is the watery things and more. The film really only focus on the interaction between the two protagonist, it's always the Shinkai strength here, no doubt, but when the mystery is also this important, I feel that part isn't concluded well.
I still very much enjoy Weathering with You though. This isn't better than Your Name, it's actually weaker, but still really good. I ended up watching this twice now, and surprisingly I was able to enjoy it as much the second time around, the funny part still get me to smile and I still feel the emotion of the character.
Also it's quite fun to see a fully filled theatre for anime film. Besides of festival or special screening, this is a rare sight for anime film and I'm glad this film got the recognition it deserved. Another fun fact is that this film was set in the same universe as Your Name, with Taki and Mitsuha both appeared as cameo. So maybe the biggest question is now, will we see a Makoto Shinkai universe going forward? If that is the plan, we might finally be able to see why such weird events keep happening in this universe and I'd love to see it.

Tenki no ko trailer. なるほど.天気の名は.と君の子ね.うんおけ.わかったよ. The song too nice for me. I need to know, is there still anything that I can do. Tenki no ko hd. Tenki no ko celebration.

Tenki no ko full movie eng sub

Tenki no ko review. ライブ行きてぇ.ライブで歌う海の幽霊の迫力ハンパないだろうな. Nobody : everyone : i wish i could forget that i watched this movie. 2016: we saved a city from a comet 2019: we flooded tokyo. Radwimps songs are lit af, seriously, their songs from Your Name are my favorites now here comes this song of theirs, I'll pay millions just to meet Radwimps, seriously.

Tenki no ko piano. Tenki no ko soundtrack. Tenki no comments. 8:05 Replay this and i bet you will laugh. Tenki no ko showtimes. Tenki no ko ending. I want you more than any blue sky. When I eventually find the love of my life, this is what I'm going to say to her. Tenki no ko download. Tenki no ko grand escape. The boy looks like kirito, from sword art online. Where did u get the your name poster in the thumbnail. Can u gimme the link. Tenki no ko blu ray release date. Tenki no ko grand escape full song.

Tenki no ko india. 4:45 gives me chills every single time I hear it. What an amazing freaking song. Something went wrong, but don’t fret — let’s give it another shot. Tenki no ko samui. Tenki no ko torrent download. Tenki no. This pass few days ive watched your name, a silent voice, the girl who leapt through time, and i want to eat your pancreas, and boy they all made me cry. im still crying. Tenki no ko 9anime.

Tenki no ko movie. Tenki no ko weathering with you. Fun fact: yukino from a garden of words is actually mitsuha's teacher in your name. ���� ������ / Tenki no Ko / Weathering With You (Extended Edition) (by Yojiro Noda) (Radwimps) ����: OST �������� �������: 天気の子 / Tenki no Ko / Weathering With You �����������: Yojiro Noda, Akira Kuwahara, Yusuke Takeda ��� ������� �����: 2019 ��� ������� ������: 2019 ����������: FLAC (*) ��� ����: ������� �����: lossless �����������������: 73:38 ��������: ����������� ������ ������� ������ � ���������� �������: ��� �������� (Romaji): 01. Main Theme (0:39) 02. Yasashisa no Aji (0:47) 03. K&A Hatsu Houmon (1:47) 04. Uranai Hikan e Youkoso (0:51) 05. K&A Nyuushashiki (1:02) 06. Kazetachi no Koe (performed by Radwimps) (4:09) 07. Yousai, Kyuushutsu (1:44) 08. Hareyuku Sora (2:10) 09. Sora no Umi (0:55) 10. Otaku Houmon (3:41) 11. Hatsu no Hare Onna Baito (1:20) 12. Shukusai (extended) (performed by Radwimps & Toko Miura) (5:11) 13. Hanabi Taikai (3:02) 14. Kishou Jinja (2:37) 15. Shibakoen (3:07) 16. Futatsu no Kokuhaku (1:34) 17. Shuto Kiki (1:34) 18. Manatsu no Yuki (1:16) 19. Tenki no Chikara (1:20) 20. Kazoku no Jikan (2:31) 21. Kieyuku Hina (1:04) 22. Eien no Kumonoue (0:49) 23. Seiten to Soushitsu (2:40) 24. Hodaka, Tousou / Kodomodachi no Kakusaku (2:59) 25. Bike Chase (0:54) 26. Hina to, Hashiru Hodaka (2:20) 27. Grand Escape (extended) (performed by Radwimps & Toko Miura) (6:25) 28. Futatabi no, Ame (performed by Radwimps) (0:40) 29. Daijoubu (extended) (performed by Radwimps) (7:24) 30. Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa Mada Aru Kai (performed by Radwimps) (7:06) �������� English 01. Theme of 'Weathering With You' (0:39) 02. The Taste Of Kindness (0:47) 03. First Visit To K&A (1:47) 04. Welcome To Senpikan (0:51) 05. K&A Welcoming Ceremony (1:02) 06. Voice Of Wind (performed by Radwimps) (4:09) 07. Saving Hina (1:44) 08. Sky Clearing Up (2:10) 09. Sea In The Sky (0:55) 10. Visiting Home (3:41) 11. First Part Time Job As Sunshine Girl (1:20) 12. Celebration (extended) (performed by Radwimps & Toko Miura) (5:11) 13. Fireworks Festival (3:02) 14. Shrine Of Weather (2:37) 15. Shiba Ko-En (3:07) 16. Two Confessions (1:34) 17. City Crisis (1:34) 18. Snow In Midsummer (1:16) 19. Power Of The Weather (1:20) 20. Time With Family (2:31) 21. Hina, Fading Away (1:04) 22. Eternity Above Clouds (0:49) 23. Clear Sky And Loss (2:40) 24. Hodaka Escapes / Kid's Plot (2:59) 25. Bike Chasing (0:54) 26. Running With Hina (2:20) 28. Rain Again (performed by Radwimps) (0:40) 29. We'll Be Alright (extended) (performed by Radwimps) (7:24) 30. Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do? (performed by Radwimps) (7:06) �������� Japanese 01. 『天気の子』のテーマ (0:39) 02. 優しさの味 (0:47) 03. K&A 初訪問 (1:47) 04. 占秘館へようこそ (0:51) 05. K&A 入社式 (1:02) 06. 風たちの声 (歌: RADWIMPS) (4:09) 07. 陽菜、救出 (1:44) 08. 晴れゆく空 (2:10) 09. 空の海 (0:55) 10. 御宅訪問 (3:41) 11. 初の晴れ女バイト (1:20) 12. 祝祭 (extended) (歌: RADWIMPS & 三浦透子) (5:11) 13. 花火大会 (3:02) 14. 気象神社 (2:37) 15. 芝公園 (3:07) 16. 二つの告白 (1:34) 17. 首都危機 (1:34) 18. 真夏の雪 (1:16) 19. 天気の力 (1:20) 20. 家族の時間 (2:31) 21. 消えゆく陽菜 (1:04) 22. 永遠の雲の上 (0:49) 23. 晴天と喪失 (2:40) 24. 帆高、逃走〜子供達の画策 (2:59) 25. バイクチェイス (0:54) 26. 陽菜と、走る帆高 (2:20) 27. グランドエスケープ (extended) (歌: RADWIMPS & 三浦透子) (6:25) 28. ふたたびの、雨 (歌: RADWIMPS) (0:40) 29. 大丈夫 (extended) (歌: RADWIMPS) (7:24) 30. 愛にできることはまだあるかい (歌: RADWIMPS) (7:06) ��� �������� �������� AUDIOCHECKER v2. 0 beta (build 457) - by Dester - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Started at: Saturday, 28. 12. 2019. - 17:56. 07 30 files found 01 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)1. Main Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 02 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)2. Yasashisa no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 03 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)3. K&A Hatsu Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 04 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)4. Uranai Hikan e Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 05 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)5. K&A Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 06 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)6. Kazetachi no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 07 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)7. Yousai, Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 08 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)8. Hareyuku Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 09 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)9. Sora no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 10 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)10. Otaku Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 11 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)11. Hatsu no Hare Onna Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 12 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)12. Shukusai (extended) Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 13 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)13. Hanabi Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 14 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)14. Kishou Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 15 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)15. Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 16 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)16. Futatsu no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 17 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)17. Shuto Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 18 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)18. Manatsu no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 19 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)19. Tenki no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 20 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)20. Kazoku no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 21 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)21. Kieyuku Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 22 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)22. Eien no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 23 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)23. Seiten to Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 24 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)24. Hodaka, Tousou - Kodomodachi no Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 25 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)25. Bike Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 26 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)26. Hina to, Hashiru Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 27 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)27. Grand Escape (extended) Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 28 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)28. Futatabi no, Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 29 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)29. Daijoubu (extended) Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. 30 -===- C:Restless RipsRadwimps - 2019 - Tenki no Ko (Extended Edition) Soundtrack (flac)30. Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa Mada Aru Extracted successfully Conclusion: this track is CDDA with probability 100% Tempfile successfully deleted. Finished at: Saturday, 28. - 18:00. 25 (operation time: 0:04. 18) ������� ������ 11. Hatsu no Hare Onna Baito 30. Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa Mada Aru Kai �� ������� (��������) ��� ��� ������. ����������� ��������� ������ ��� ����� ������� ������. � ����� ��� �������� (��� ��� ����������) �������� �� ���� ������. "Movie edit" ����� �������� �� �. � ������ ������, ��� ��� �� ���� ������������ � ���� �������� (extended) - "movie edit" ������ �������� � ���� ��������� ��������, ������� ���� �������������, ���� ������� �� ������� � �. � ������ �������. ��� �������� ��������� �������, ��� �� �������� ���� ��� �������. Kimi no Na wa (Extended Edition):.

A silent voice is the most heartbreaking anime, make me cry so much. There will be something to protect. Tenki no ko dvd. Just watched this last night. It was magical and this ost is my favourite for no absolute reason. So the last scene with the ring is actually 3 months after the ending of the film when Hina visits Hodaka's apartment according to Makoto Shinkai.

Tenki no ko tickets. Alternative Titles English: Weathering With You Japanese: 天気の子 Information Episodes: 1 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Jul 19, 2019 Source: Original Duration: 1 hr. 54 min. Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older Statistics Score: 8. 62 1 (scored by 46, 889 users) Ranked: #61 2 2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #696 Members: 162, 883 Favorites: 2, 945 8. 62 Ranked #61 Popularity #696 Members 162, 883 * Your list is public by default. Synopsis Tokyo is currently experiencing rain showers that seem to disrupt the usual pace of everyone living there to no end. Amidst this seemingly eternal downpour arrives the runaway high school student Hodaka Morishima, who struggles to financially support himself—ending up with a job at a small-time publisher. At the same time, the orphaned Hina Amano also strives to find work to sustain herself and her younger brother. Both fates intertwine when Hodaka attempts to rescue Hina from shady men, deciding to run away together. Subsequently, Hodaka discovers that Hina has a strange yet astounding power: the ability to call out the sun whenever she prays for it. With Tokyo's unusual weather in mind, Hodaka sees the potential of this ability. He suggests that Hina should become a "sunshine girl"—someone who will clear the sky for people when they need it the most. Things begin looking up for them at first. However, it is common knowledge that power always comes with a hefty price... [Written by MAL Rewrite] Background Tenki no Ko sold more than 1. 1 million tickets, grossing 1. 6 billion yen (about US$15. 22 million) in its first three days in more than 350 theaters. The film ranked #1 in its opening weekend and is currently the #7 highest-earning domestic film of all time in Japan and the highest-grossing film in Japan in 2019. Tenki no Ko is also Japan's submission for the Best International Feature Film category at the 92nd Academy Awards—the first anime that Japan has submitted in the category since Mononoke Hime in 1998. Related Anime Characters & Voice Actors Staff Edit Opening Theme No opening themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an opening theme here. Ending Theme No ending themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an ending theme here. More reviews Reviews 1 of 1 episodes seen Looks like i'm one of the first reviews here, I'll go in the history books, lol! Well, let me start by saying Tenki no Ko is a great continuation of the form that Shinkai's been in for the past decade starting with Garden of Words. The character designs, story, pacing, art, animation and sound are all top notch as to be expected. I, however do encourage you to lower your expectations. Not that the film isn't good, it is. Great even and really enjoyable for me. It's just not Kimi No Na Wa 2, which I feel many people will be expecting going in and be read more Aug 25, 2019 [Spoiler Warning] “Hey can I copy your works” “Of Course, make sure just change it up a bit so it doesn’t look to obvious” This is snarky little thought that I came up with when I just got back from seeing this film in the theaters. However, in essence it is pretty much understandable to compare Tenki no Ko with Kimi no Nawa or even call this movie as its spiritual successor. Aside from the obvious the two movies are made by the same person, it also share the same universe where mystic/magic do appears in a grounded realistic setting as a main feature for the plot, RADWIMPS Jul 31, 2019 Tenki no Ko is a film with a compelling idea, stunning visuals and a great soundtrack, yet fails with mediocre characters, subpar writing, and a failure to feel realistic. While overall the movie is enjoyable, this is a step back for Makoto Shinkai. Story: 3/10 The aspect Makoto Shinkai has always struggled with has taken yet another step back, as the story was filled with plot holes, things just happening to make the story move along, and failed to create a good pace or flow. The story as usual centers around a shy high school boy who is awkward around girls and feels unsatisfied with life. Then Jul 20, 2019 After having just watched Tenki no Ko in Koufu, I have decided I'll make this my first review, which I'll make spoiler free and using the categorisation format. I am currently stuck between whether I'd call this movie a 9 or a 10, so as I've only seen it once and don't want to over analyse, enjoyment comes first after all, I've put the lower to account for that hype we all feel when we first watch an anticipated release. Story-8: The synopsis provided on the site is ample, so you can read that yourself and I'll cover my personal takes. While many Recommendations Recent News Recent Forum Discussion Recent Featured Articles.




Tenki no ko
5.0 stars - knowtatkocar1985

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